
Managing Boredom In Learning & Change
Boredom is sneaky. Leaders and teams do not realise that boredom is causing many of their behaviours and that makes it important to manage
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Fac Week 3
Why I Love Facilitation – Part 3
This is part 3 of the series on why i love facilitation. We hope you find it useful to connect with the craft.
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Why Am I A Facilitator? Part 2
Why do you love facilitation? Find out what makes facilitators tick and keep coming back for more
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Why Am I A Facilitator?
We want to make a case for the power of facilitation, and a case for you. Actually, it’s a case that facilitation is within you. Whoever you are. A novice. A business leader. A homemaker. A village elder. Whoever you...
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What purpose is not
What Purpose Is Not!
How is purpose different from vision and mission statements. Dive in to explore more
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What Does Purpose Do?
What does purpose do? Is the interest in organisational purpose justified? Lets explore research to answer this question
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Mid Life Renewal
Are you rethinking your choices in life and career? Does it feel like a dull, anxious, routine which does'nt energise you? Is it leading to less than your best performance? Join us as we explore this theme in this series...
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Digital Debt And Hybrid Work
What is digital debt? learn more on the same.
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Experiments & Psychological Safety
Experiments and psychological safety are two levers to enhance creativity in teams and create better business and employee outcomes. Explore how these can be implemented here...
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What Is Purpose?
What is purpose? Is it what we do, or why we do it? Or is it about how we do it? Turns out all of these are true about how Purpose is defined.
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